Report 2 nd day Excellency MSP
In a league where you have not yet occurred for the draw, there are five teams full score: ASD Atletico Rigutino, AC Palo Circle 29 Martyrs, and FC WKP Baracchina The Mojito. Atletico Rigutino scored his second consecutive win by defeating a 3-2 Orange Bud now in its second defeat of the measure. Man of the match for the team captain was Tuci Fioravanti, author of a remarkable hat-trick. Caveat for the CA Palo, which requires 6-2 against the quoted Coffee Concorde: initially at a disadvantage, the team captain Mordini Unlined a great reaction and dragged by Benelli Caporaso and took home three-point heavy. Great suffering for the FC instead Mojito The Baracchina, surpassing a 2-1 Pizzeria 2 Marmocchi confirming their difficulties in front of goal, the team of Mr. Abbate, scored with Napolitano and Pantaleoni, it has again demonstrated the heart and determination needed to play in a championship player. Championship leading the club's championship, surely even 29 Martyrs, who with a clear 5-2 dismissed an All Blacks Futsal unrecognizable: the team of Mr. Tesi, driven by Coppini, whose realization vein no stops, holds up to this currently the best defense in the championship with just two goals against, demonstrating the great strength of the team. Durability has always been the weapon of WKP, which won its second consecutive victory against an ASD Castellina C / 5 in crisis and game results. For the team of Captain Christopher Massai double win and strong performance in goal by Carles. First win of the season for the Bar Montepiano Gaston, a 4-2 beating Trends still incredibly zero points in the standings: the protagonist of the match was Matteo Coppini, author of a hat-trick. Finally, an important affirmation of Don Quixote FC, overcoming a 5-4 ASD Panormus that does not come out completely reduced by the defeat the team of coach Grassini, for its part, was good at not giving up when you are at a disadvantage and dragged from the triplet Wolf has managed to gain three valuable points for tracking the first class. Classification: Atletico Rigutino, AC Palo Circle 29 Martyrs, and Mojito WKP The Baracchina 6 points, Panormus, Bar Montepiano Gaston, Don Quixote and Coffee Concorde 3 points, Orange Bud, Trends, All Blacks Futsal Pizzeria Castellina 2 Mamrocchi and C / 5 0 points .
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