(caricature that I was done * _ *)
Tonight my subconscious ethyl gave birth to a theory that there were clear parallels between the fight club (book) and 1984, for example the relationship with Marla / julia, an intangible presence that affects a community (through the protagonist and Tyler Durden big brother through the influence of media and political organization) from which the protagonist tries to rebel against being crushed, disposal of all the other characters around him and the psychological manipulation as a means to power, also anarchy sets in fight club degenerates into a dehumanizing system very similar to Orwell's thought.
This morning I realized that they are mostly crap.
I wanted to write a post on American Psycho (un'inifinità it took me time to finish it, because: I weighed my ass) but I'm too tired to speak in human tongue
( this post is really written with his ass)